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Deceptive Appearances

Do the Jewish settlements in the West Bank Negate the Feasibillity of the Two State Solution?

The writing on the wall

Collection of articles - Sixth in a series 2018-2020 (English)


Maps of the Jewish-Arab Conflict

Shaul Arieli – The Truman Institute


Maps to the Israeli-Arab Conflit - in Arabic

Shaul Arieli – Truman Institute


Maps of the Jewish-Arab Conflict - in Russian

Shaul Arieli – The Truman Institute


Maps of the Jewish-Arab Conflict - French

Shaul Arieli – Truman Institute


Maps to the Israeli-Arab Conflit - in German

Shaul Arieli – Truman Institute


Maps of the Jewish-Arab Conflict - Hebrew

Shaul Arieli – Truman Institute


Maps to the Israeli-Arab Conflit - in Spanish

Shaul Arieli – Truman Institute

Messianism Meets Reality

The Israeli Settlement Project in Judea and Samaria: Vision Or Illusion. 1967-2016.

Shaul Arieli – Economic Cooperation Foundation, 2017

Understanding the Trump Plan

A Comparative Analysis of the Trump administration’s Peace to Prosperity Plan and the Two-State Option A Policy Report by Dr. Col. (ret.) Shaul Arieli

Shaul Arieli – Israel Policy Forum, 2020

Moment of Truth

Tackling Israel-Palestine's Toughest Questions

בספר זה ניתן למצוא מאמרים מאת שאול אריאלי

Routledge Handbook on Israeli Security

People & Borders

About the Israeli Palestinian conflict, Shaul Arieli, 2010
fifth edition